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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Weekly History and Geography-31 Imperial Cartoons

Study the following political cartoons to form an overall impression.  Then, answer the writing prompts for each on the blog.
1.  What three people/groups are represented in this picture?
2.  Who is on the left side of the picture and what/who are they trying to stop?
3.  You saw this cartoon in WHAG 26.  What historical event has occurred and who is pictured spanning Africa?

4.  What clues help you understand this cartoon deals with Great Britain and Australia?
5.  What event has occurred between China and Great Britain?  Explain.

6.  Whose point of view is being illustrated in this cartoon?  Explain.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly History and Geography-36 WW II History Quiz

As we embark on the remaining weeks of 7th Grade Social Studies, it is good to review how far we have traveled and how much we have explored.  Click on the Fact Monster link,, and take the World History II quiz.  Then, return to the blog and respond to the following questions:
1.  What was your score?
2.  Was is easy or difficult to recall some of the facts we've studied?  Explain.
3.  What has been your favorite topic so far this year?  Explain.
4.  What was your least favorite topic?  Explain.

Weekly History and Geography-33

Click on the Fact Monster Biographies of U.S. Presidents,, and select two war time presidents to read about.  (Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, and/or F.D. Roosevelt)  Then, return to the blog and compare/contrast their lives and presidency.

Weekly History and Geography-34 Virtual tour of U-505

You are to report for duty on a German U-boat.  Your task is to become well-versed on the following battle tactics at:
The Wolf Pack
Intercepting Convoys
Surfaced Attacks
Submerged Attacks
Evasive Tactics
Deck Gun Attacks
Remaining Invisible

Then return to the blog and summarize as well as reflect on your training.

1.  Which tactic did you find most interesting?  Why?
2.  What three speeds could convoys travel?
3.  A U-boat’s best defense is concealment. But once this is blown, what is the next best recourse (thing to do)?
4.  In U-boat school, commanders are guided by the principle, “He who sees first, has won!”.   What do YOU think that means?
5.  What is a “Rudeltaktik"?  Why do YOU think this was an effective U-boat tactic?

Weekly History and Geography-35 Dr. Seuss Political Cartoon

Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American writer and cartoonist mostly widely known for his children's bookspen names Dr. Seuss, Theo LeSieg, and in one case, Rosetta Stone.  As World War II began, Geisel turned to political cartoons, drawing over 400 in two years as editorial cartoonist for the NYC daily newspaper, PM.  Geisel's political cartoons, later published in  Dr. Seuss Goes to War, denounced Hilter and Mussolini.